Just Another Guy with Opinions

Archive for the ‘Sexuality’ Category

Diplomats Have More Fun

Posted by shadmia on March 13, 2007


Tsuriel Raphael, a long-time career diplomat and until recently Israel’s ambassador to El Salvador has a lot of explaining to do when he reports to his superiors.

El Salvador police found Raphael in the yard of his residence, tied up, gagged with a ball and drunk, Israeli media reported. He was wearing sex bondage equipment, the media said

The story was confirmed by an Israeli spokeswoman, Zehavit Ben-Hillel, from the Foreign Ministry who said that although Mr. Raphael did not break any laws We’re talking about behavior that is unbecoming of a diplomat”. They have already begun looking for his replacement.

In recent years the Israelis have had problems with some of their diplomatic personnel:

  • In 2000, Israel’s ambassador to France died of cardiac arrest in a Paris hotel under circumstances the Foreign Ministry refused to publicize. Media reports said he was with a woman who was not his wife at the time.
  • In 2006, Israel replaced its ambassador to Australia, Naftali Tamir, after he said Israel and Australia are “like sisters” because both are located in Asia and their peoples don’t have the Asian characteristics of “yellow skin and slanted eyes.”
  • In 2005, Israel canceled the appointment of a diplomat to Australia after it was discovered that he published pictures of nude Brazilian women on the Internet while on a mission in Brazil.


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George Takei Takes on Tim Hardaway

Posted by shadmia on February 27, 2007


When Don Amaechi declared that he was gay, Tim Hardaway responded by saying that he hates gay people. After a firestorm of negative publicity, which included him being banished from some NBA-sanctioned appearances he was scheduled to make in Las Vegas and the loss at least one of his endorsement deals, Tim Hardaway recanted and said that he was sorry he made that remark.

GeorgeTakei, of Star Trek fame, made this hilarious video:


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Posted in Basketball, Celebrities, Comedy, Don Amaechi, Fun, Funny, Gay, George Takei, Homosexual, Jokes, Laughs, NBA, news, odd, Our World, sex, Sexuality, Sports, Star Trek, Tim Hardaway, world | Leave a Comment »

More Sex, Sex, Sex Again

Posted by shadmia on February 26, 2007

Sex, the mere mention of the word, is guaranteed to get your attention. Human beings seem to have an insatiable desire to explore, investigate, participate in and watch all things sexual. Here are some more sex-related news items found on the web.

  • 1 in 3 boys Heavy Porn Users
  • A survey girl.jpgof 429 students aged 13 to 14 in rural Canadian schools came up with some interesting but not entirely surprising results. 74% reported viewing pornography on the Internet. 57% reported seeing it on a specialty TV channel. 41% saw it on video or DVD. 20% viewed it at a friend’s house. One major difference between boys and girls was that boys tended to be deliberate viewers (ie: they sought out porn) while girls came across porn accidentally. More than one-third of the boys reported viewing pornographic DVDs or videos “too many times to count”, compared to eight per cent of the girls surveyed. While the majority of teens surveyed said their parents expressed concern about sexual content, that concern hasn’t led to discussion or supervision, and few parents are using available technology to block sexual content.

  • Beware of the Hugging Bandit
  • She’sobesity.jpg a 200-pound-plus hugging machine, but her affection comes with a price. Police are warning men about the “Hugging Bandit,” who heartily embraces men coming out of downtown bars and leaves them wallet-less. Dozens of men say they have been victims. Police say others are too embarrassed to admit it. Officers believe she is a 48-year-old Buffalo woman they have arrested 17 times between 1998 and 2005 for similar schemes, as well as prostitution and criminal possession of stolen property. She does have one thing going for her. After the police arrested her…again and showed her picture to the latest victim, the man admitted that he was too drunk to remember her.

  • Korean Men Use Brokers to Find Brides
  • Morebrides-for-koreans.jpg and more South Korean men are finding wives outside of South Korea, where a surplus of bachelors, a lack of marriageable Korean partners and the rising social status of women have combined to shrink the domestic market for the marriage-minded male. In 2005, marriages to foreigners accounted for 14 percent of all marriages in South Korea, up from 4 percent in 2000. In South Korea, billboards advertising marriages to foreigners dot the countryside, and fliers are scattered on the Seoul subway. Many rural governments, faced with declining populations, subsidize the marriage tours, which typically cost $10,000. “Nowadays, Korean women have higher standards,” said Lee Eun-tae, the owner of Interwedding, an agency that last year matched 400 Korean bachelors with brides from Vietnam, China, the Philippines, Mongolia, Thailand, Cambodia, Uzbekistan and Indonesia. “If a man has only a high school degree, or lives with his mother, or works only at a small- or medium-size company, or is short or older, or lives in the countryside, he’ll find it very difficult to marry in Korea.”

  • The Spray-On Condom
  • Researchersspray-on.jpg at the German Institute for Condom Consultancy plan to launch a spray-on condom. The Institute is currently conducting tests on a spray can into which the man inserts his penis which is then sprayed with latex from nozzles on all sides. The plan is to make the product ready for use in about five seconds and offer a more effective contraceptive that fits better than standard one-size fits all condoms and hence does not slip.The company is seeking Condom Testers with a penis length from 9 to 12 cm and 15 to 20 cm. Men between 13 to 14 cm are apparently welcome too. The company had hit upon the idea when considering the difficulties some people faced using condoms, and drew inspiration from spray-on medical dressings and bandages now used in medicine. The condom spray can is expected to reach market in 2008 for a price of around EUR 20 (US$27) and will offer around 20 applications. Replacement cartridges are expected to cost half the initial purchase price for the entire pack, and will be offered in different strengths and colours.

  • Suspect Charged with Sodomy
  • Baydog.jpg County doggy.jpgCircuit Judge Joseph K. Sheeran ruled Friday that even though Michigan law does not explicitly define sex with a dead dog as a crime, charges against a Saginaw man will stand. Kuch’s defense attorney, Kathryn Fehrman, argued that Michigan’s statute on sodomy and bestiality is vague and does not outlaw sex with a dead dog. Kuch is accused of sexual contact with the carcass of his girlfriend’s dog on Oct. 20, about a week after the animal had been hit by a car. The alleged crime occurred near the Forest Day Care Center, 2169 W. Midland Road, on a school day. The teacher was leading an Animal Control officer to the dead dog so he could dispose of it when the pair discovered Kuch, who allegedly scuffled with the officer before fleeing into the woods. Fehrman had said in previous written and oral arguments that a dead dog is not an animal and therefore cannot be violated against its will.

    Sheeran said the purpose of the sodomy law is not to protect a specific victim, necessarily, but ”to prevent people from debasing and dehumanizing themselves.” Such laws also protect society, Sheeran said, and ”prevents people from acting like animals themselves.”

    Sheeran also upheld the indecent exposure charge. He said it was irrelevant whether the patch of woods where the alleged crime committed was public or private property.

    ”There was a substantial risk that someone might be offended.”

    ”If he didn’t want to be observed, why did he commit it during the day near a daycare center?” Sheeran said, saying that Kuch didn’t commit the act ”accidentally or inadvertently.”


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Sex in a Cage

Posted by shadmia on February 14, 2007


Humans do it. The birds and the bees do it. Wild animals do it. Even our captive friends in zoos do it. In fact Valentine’s Day is the time of year when zoo operators organize special adult-oriented tours of love in the animal kingdom. Some tours are so successful that additional days are scheduled for the overflow.

With names like “Woo at the Zoo” “Jungle Love” and “Wild Love at the Zoo” operators of many of the nation’s zoos plan special fund raising events with an amorous edge aimed at attracting new adult audiences. A typical tour couples champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries and candlelight dining with impressive facts about how animals do the wild thing. Priced at around $50 per person these Valentine’s Day functions can be an important fund raising tool for many zoos.

So what can you learn on one of these special Valentine’s Day tours? For the most part it is all talk and very little action. Here are some interesting facts:


  • Male pigs have a unique corkscrew endowment and impressive, um, output
  • Manatees have orgies and don’t really care if their partners are male or female
  • A male porcupine has only one four-hour window a year to mate
  • Whales have like 10-foot-long whatevers.
  • Bonobos and Dolphins like humans also have non-reproductive sex
  • Bonobos are the only non-human apes to have been observed engaging in
    • Face-to-face genital sex
    • Tongue kissing
    • Oral sex
  • Roy and Silo are two gay penguins living at Central Park Zoo in Manhattan


The concept of Valentine’s Day at the zoo was the brainchild of Jane Tollini a former penguin keeper who, more than 20 years ago described penguin mating rituals as “bowling pins making love”.

“Sex sells. No matter what,” Tollini said. “I wish I had a nickel for everybody that has copied me.”

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Remember GO DADDY

Posted by shadmia on January 16, 2007

Just for laughs, remember the Go Daddy commercials? Here are a few:

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Sex, Sex, Sex Again

Posted by shadmia on December 22, 2006

Sex Partners.jpgsex montage.jpgSexy Couple.jpg

Seems as if we humans just can’t get enough sex, even if it means getting in trouble for it. Here are a few examples:

This was an especially tough sentence for the 17 year old. It was upheld by the Georgia Supreme Court. The irony here too is that if it were genital sex, he would only have received one year in prison. The Georgia Legislature amended this statue (Oral Sex) and it is now a misdemeanor with a 1 year penalty. But this does not help the 17 year old because he committed his crime before the statute was amended.

Apparently her client refused to wear a condom. She took his money. He ran after her. She stabs him. End of story.

Stephen Murmer, an art teacher, engaged in some extra-curricular activities that earned him a suspension. Outside of class and under an alter ego, the self-proclaimed “butt-printing artist” creates floral and abstract art by plastering his posterior and genitals with paint and pressing them against canvas. His cheeky creations sell for hundreds of dollars.

Speaking of Sex….did you ever wonder which positions were the most popular? Gershon Legman, an American who wrote about sex, calculated that there are more than 4 million possible ways for men and women to have sexual intercourse with each other. Well, there is not enough space here to list all of them, so here are the 6 most popular positions, just in case you were wondering.

Did you know that more than 9 out of 10 Americans have had premarital sex? “This is reality-check research,” said the study’s author, Lawrence Finer. “Premarital sex is normal behavior for the vast majority of Americans, and has been for decades.”
Read the article here.

Sex Ed.jpgSex Sex Sex.jpgSex Goodies.jpg

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Soybeans Can Make Kids Gay!

Posted by shadmia on December 15, 2006

soybean.jpg soya-milk.jpgtofu-dinner.jpg

This is one of those things that makes you go HUH!? According to Jim Rutz soybean products are feminizing and can lead to homosexuality. Some highlights from this article:


  • Soy contains estrogen, a female hormone
      If you’re a woman, you’re flooding your system with a substance it can’t handle in surplus. If you’re a man, you’re suppressing your masculinity and stimulating your “female side,” physically and mentally.
  • Soy milk can be dangerous for babies
      If you’re a grownup, you’re already developed, and you’re able to fight off some of the damaging effects of soy. Babies aren’t so fortunate. Research is now showing that when you feed your baby soy formula, you’re giving him or her the equivalent of five birth control pills a day. A baby’s endocrine system just can’t cope with that kind of massive assault, so some damage is inevitable. At the extreme, the damage can be fatal.
  • Other Detrimental Effects of Soy
      Commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. Girls may reach puberty at a very early age (6-8). Boys may reach puberty much later than normal. Research in 2000 showed that a soy-based diet at any age can lead to a weak thyroid, which commonly produces heart problems and excess fat. Estrogen ingredients in soy products may be boosting the rapidly rising incidence of leukemia in children and cancer in adults.

After reading this article, I thought it was interesting but had very little in the way of verifiable facts. There were no references to back up any of his assertions. Where did all this come from? So I decided to look for some corroboration. I found one entitled: Soy:The Poison Seed by William Wong. Below are some exerts:


What’s bad about Soy?

Contains Isoflavones (Genistein and Daidzein). In soy the isoflavones are built in insecticides. If they kill bugs are they good for humans?

Isoflavones are estrogen like substances which have the same effect as the bodies estrogen.

Kills testicular tissue. In men it permanently reduces testicular function and lowers Lutinizing Hormone production. LH is what signals your testicles to work. This increases the probability of estrogen dominance in men with its hair loss, swollen and cancerous prostates. (4,5). Male children fed soy formulas and soy products may not ever get to like girls. Dorris Rapp MD, the worlds leading pediatric allergist, asserts that environmental and food estrogens are responsible for the increase in male homosexuality and the worldwide reduction in male fertility. (6).

William Wong N.D., Ph.D. backs up his article with lots of references but seems to have a problem with: “Agribusiness giants Monsanto and Archer Daniels Midland and the FDA.” and concludes his article with the following:

Any opinions to contradict the facts noted above have been paid for by the Agribusiness giants Monsanto and Archer Daniels Midland. Once public knowledge of their manipulation of public opinion and of the FDA becomes widely known, expect monster class action lawsuits against these folks. They’ll deserve it in spades!

There is however one soy product that we don’t have to worry about……Soy Sauce!!

Soy sauce is fine. Unlike soy milk, it’s perfectly safe because it’s fermented, which changes its molecular structure. Miso, natto and tempeh are also OK, but avoid tofu.



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Posted in Food, Gay, Health, Health Food, Homosexual, Medicine, news, odd, Our World, Science & Medicine, Sexuality, Soy, world | 1 Comment »

More Sex, Sex, Sex

Posted by shadmia on December 6, 2006

Here are some odd sex-related stories that landed the perpetrators in lots of trouble: Click on title for link to the full story.

  • Judge Denied Parole in Sex Toy Case
  • A former judgejudge-donald-thompson.jpg, Donald Thompson, convicted of exposing himself while presiding over jury trials by using a sexual device under his robes was denied parole. Prosecutors claimed Thompson used a device called a penis pump while presiding over trials between 2002 and 2003. Thompson’s attorney, Rob Nigh, told the board his client maintained his innocence and deserved to be considered for early release. “He’s lost everything. He’s lost his profession. He’s lost the ability to be a lawyer. He’s lost the ability to ever be a judge,” Nigh said.

  • The Case of the Broken Dildo
  • Orange County’smarcelino-p-castro.jpg Marcelino P. Castro owns the most expensive broken dildo in the world at $48,000. This dildo had an attached handle so a user could manipulate its motion from different angles. Castro decided to pleasure himself. During the heat of passion, the handle broke off and the dildo became lodged deep in his rectum. The next morning, Castro told his bosses, police, paramedics, firemen, state insurance investigators and later emergency room doctors that he’d been gang-raped at work by “two large dark men, probably Samoan.” His story was considered a fabrication and he was arrested. At trial he confessed. His punishment: a six-month sentence, serve five years’ probation and pay $48,000 in restitution for wasting everyone’s time.

  • Naked Teen at Drive-Thru
  • A teenmcdonalds.gif accused of ordering from at least three fast food drive-thrus nude faces an indecent exposure charge. David Gatton, 18, of Columbia City, was found in the parking lot of a McDonald’s by a sheriff’s deputy after police received a call that the teen had been nude when he ordered from his car at the Arby’s drive-thru, police said.


  • Molester Blames Wife’s Bingo Habit
  • A man bingo.jpgwho pleaded guilty to molesting two girls told a judge he did it because of his wife’s excessive bingo playing. “My wife was never home,” Floyd Kinney Jr. said during his plea hearing Friday. Records say Kinney molested one of the girls, now 26, from 1992-97. He sexually assaulted the second girl, now 17, for a year beginning in January 2005, records show. “Some people, when their wives are not home, decide to do other things, like clean their living rooms,” Northampton County Judge F.P. Kimberly McFadden said. “Your behavior is beyond the pale.” Kinney pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated indecent assault. The felony charges carry a combined maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $50,000 fine.

  • Naked Crack Addict attacked by Alligator
  • Carlos Mayidadrian-j-apgar.jpg couldn’t see Adrian Apgar being attacked by an alligator early Wednesday, but he could hear him. “A gator’s got me,” Apgar replied, his voice faint in the background. Mayid called 911. Polk County deputies arrived about two minutes later and soon reached Apgar in the water. He was naked, slumped over in the alligator’s jaws in chest-deep water on the east side of Lake Parker. After a “tug-of-war” match with the gator, three deputies and their sergeant were able to rescue Apgar and carry him to shore. The entire rescue took about 20 minutes.
    Apgar told the deputies he had been smoking crack cocaine and fell asleep on the shore when the alligator attacked him. The Sheriff’s Office said Wednesday that Apgar suffered a broken arm, a nearly severed arm, significant trauma to his buttocks and leg and was critically injured.

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Top Ten Lists

Posted by shadmia on December 3, 2006

To be in the TOP TEN is usually considered to be some kind of honor or special achievement. There are top ten lists that are desirable, for example: Songs, Movies, Cars. There are also some top ten lists that are not so desirable, for example: FBI’s Most Wanted. In fact we humans have a penchant for making lists of everything from the mundane to the weird. Here are three lists that I found to be interesting if not a little strange. Click on list title for the complete list.

  • Ten Funny Underwear Factsunderwear.jpeg
      Married men change their underwear twice as often as single men.
      Italians wear red, Argentineans wear pink, and Brazilians wear brand new underwear on New Years Eve.
      Bras did not exist until 1913 when Mary Phelps Jacob tied two handkerchiefs together with ribbon.
      41% of men prefer briefs while only 12% prefer boxers.




Find more unusual Top Ten Lists HERE




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Ted Haggard: More From Jones!

Posted by shadmia on November 22, 2006


Mike Jones the male prostitute who exposed Ted Haggard, was interviewed about how the outing of the Rev. had affected his life. See the video clip here.

In the meantime Ted Haggard‘s website has been taken down

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